中國時報 2009.01.04
潮汐拖慢地球自轉 2009年多等1秒鐘
AT THE GREENWICH PRIME MERIDIAN, England – Just a second, 2009. It’s going to take a little longer to say goodbye to the worst economic year since the Great Depression, but all for good cause. The custodians of time will ring in the New Year by tacking a “leap second” onto the clock Wednesday to account for the minute slowing of the Earth’s rotation. The leap second has been used sporadically at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich since 1972, an adjustment that has kept Greenwich Mean Time the internationally agreed time standard.
Some scientists now say GMT should be replaced by International Atomic Time — computed outside Paris — because new technologies have allowed atomic time to tick away with down-to-the-nanosecond accuracy.
But opponents say atomic time’s very precision poses a problem.(AP)
the Great Depression 大蕭條時代,從1920年代末到1930年代
custodian n. 監護人,管理人
ring in(動詞片語)敲響辭歲鐘聲
tack onto(動詞片語)加上
account for(動詞片語)充分解釋
leap second 閏秒;leap year 閏年
minute adj. 微小的
rotation n. 旋轉
sporadically adv. 零星,偶而
observatory n. 天文台
adjustment n. 調整
Greenwich Mean Time(GMT)格林威治標準時間
tick away = pass(動詞片語)時間流逝
down-to-the-nanosecond 短到10億分之1秒(奈米秒)的程度
opponent n. 反對者
pose a problem(動詞片語)引起必須嚴肅對待的問題
關於地球自轉速率的變化,當年達爾文的次子喬治(George Darwin,1845-1912)是專家。地球表面大部分是海洋;海水受到月球與太陽的潮汐力影響,因而產生潮汐;潮汐使得地球自轉速率變慢。同時,月球公轉會加速,逐漸遠離地球。