中國時報 2008.12.14
別耍牠喔 狗狗也懂得要公平
WASHINGTON – No fair! What parent hasn’t heard that from a child who thinks another youngster got more of something? Well, it turns out dogs can react the same way. Ask them to do a trick and they’ll give it a try. For a reward, sausage say, they’ll happily keep at it. But if one dog gets no reward, and then sees another get sausage for doing the same trick, just try to get the first one to do it again. Indeed, he may even turn away and refuse to look at you.
Dogs, like people and monkeys, seem to have a sense of fairness.
“Animals react to inequity,” said Friederike Range of the University of Vienna, Austria, who led a team of researchers testing animals at the school’s Clever Dog Lab. “To avoid stress, we should try to avoid treating them differently.”
Similar responses have been seen in monkeys.(AP)
no fair = unfair (表示抗議)不公平!
youngster n. 小孩;小男孩;小伙子
turn out (動詞片語)結果(是)
react v. 對…反應
trick n. 把戲;技藝
give it a try (動詞片語)試試看
reward n. 獎賞,獎品
sausage n. 香腸
say v. 比方說
keep at (動詞片語)不斷嘗試
indeed adv. 用以表示難以置信的感受
a sense of fairness (直譯)公平感
stress n. (心理)壓力
avoid v. 避免(後接動名詞)
同時,田野觀察與實驗室研究,一直在擴張我們對於其牠動物的行為的知識。例如,科學家早就發現,卡布欽猴(capuchin monkey,一種新世界猴)不但懂得合作,還非常在意「公平待遇」。