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♪ Download on iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/only-one/id547131609

BoA will make a comeback with the 7th album 'Only One'!!

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曾獲2009年比利時時尚週大賽新興設計師首獎、名列英國2012年百大最夯名人榜的陳劭彥,透過 Google 搜尋發掘創作靈感、克服製作困境,下一季的時尚靈感正不斷在他心中萌芽!

Fashion designer Shao-Yen Chen, 2009 winner of Fashion Weekend/ Le Vif Award in Brussels, Belgiumthe, the first Taiwanese named to the Hot 100 list of Red Pages, finds inspirations for his innovative pieces thorugh searching on Google, and learned from YouTube videos different weaving techniques. He has been through numerous trial and error before finally achieving the ideal combination.

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拍過30萬張台灣地理空拍影像的攝影大師齊柏林,每次出任務前都會在 Google Earth (地球) 上模擬3D飛行,預先知道地形地貌,並不斷地搜尋不同的高度,守護美麗的台灣。

Po-lin Chi, aerial photography master who has taken more than 300,000 images of Taiwan from the air, always practices 3D flight simulation on Google Earth before each flight to be familiar with the land and route he will fly through. Meanwhile, keep searching for unique views from different latitudes to document the picturesque Taiwan.

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蔡阿嘎FaceBook http://www.facebook.com/WithGaLoveTaiwan
訂閱蔡阿嘎Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/kyoko38
蔡阿嘎KUSO系列 http://goo.gl/k4PJp

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作者: NewTalk 新頭殼 | 新頭殼 – 2012年6月15日 上午5:06

新頭殼newtalk 2012.06.15李連傑/綜合報導

今年美國畢業季最火紅的一句話是:「You are not special!」英語老師麥卡洛(David McCullough)對畢業生當頭棒喝。

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Original Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeItyVFx0Zo by UrbanJamesLim

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史上最強「籃球阿公」 竟是NBA新人王


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Not just to aid in writing music, through search on Google, Kou Chou Ching found long lost Formosa folk rhyme and ancient names of Taiwan places. More importantly, through search they won JPF Awards, world's greatest independent music award, the first time in the music history of Taiwan.

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Sonia Lin was to find funing to support her startup company. Through search, she found the $250,000 award via Gigabit Challenge - a worldwide business plan competition, and won her first pot of gold in career as well as an opportunity to start her life all over.

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14歲的吳承儒,用 Google 搜尋老師的名字意外發現測量震動的方法,一個月內坐了兩百趟高鐵,讓他成了2012年台灣國際科展最年輕的得獎者。

Louis Wu, 14, searched his teacher's name on Google and accidentally found the method to measure vibration (IRIS). Then, took nearly 200 rounds of trip on Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) in one month. A series of journey followed by search made him the youngest winner of 2012 Taiwan International Science Fair.

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齊柏林 空中攝影家 談臺灣的生態環保

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曲:鄭楠 詞:姚若龍

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